Video 30
31. Mandukya Upanishad | Chapter 2 Karika 36
but drunker in aviation we are Monday Bob Putnam Bosch a varchar Pedro de Vargas us the newbie yes a Monday May 30th are you swiss be my intro brick car alarm sworsky not Musha destroy me harm so to speak moustache oh I study Swiss be nobly my spider the bahu Oh John hey Sean baby Sean now be there towards the end of the second chapter of the amount of cathartica remember the man who carry has four chapters so almost towards the end of the second chapter we have done the 35th verse last time right what are these verses from versus 35 to the last verse in the second chapter 38 35 36 37 38 these four are very much beautiful verses remember in the second chapter go Rapada he has shown us what it means to say that the word is an appearance the central teaching of Advaita Vedanta that Brahman is the absolutely and this is one absolute non dual reality existence consciousness bliss and the word is an appearance and you are that absolute reality brahma satyam jagat mithya diva from even after having shown that especially the second chapter is concerned with what do you mean the word is a nap here what is the nature of this experience we are having is world experience that was analyzed after all this analysis now finally the question says is that what do you do with all this where you go from now from here what you do with this this knowledge so for versus on what do you do now how do you become enlightened so these four verses they are I hesitate to say the air about spiritual practice they're actually about enlightenment itself we have not about spiritual practice in the conventional sense for example he's not going to tell you here how to worship or how to do social service or selfless works how to sit and meditate no none of them wellness keep in mind that the man to categorize is just about the final text the highest teaching of non-dual a darker all those are on the way to this realization so even when guru father is going to be a little in our sense a little practical but what practicalities we'll talk about is the highest end right Simon how to become enlightened how do you use this knowledge to become enlightened so that's what he's talking about otherwise when you say spiritual practice if I say that afterwards you will say that he didn't teach us how to lead how to say it he didn't teach us how to chant mantras and sing songs no that's he's not against ending up that all those are very useful but they are on the way and we have long since cross those lines and we are left we are at the people even at the peak of the mountain here yes no ultimately no and yet yes nothing of this individual it will be lost it's like a movie in the okay it's like this you're acting the part of say Lady Macbeth in a Shakespeare drama maybe in their Shakespeare in the summer you have the Shakespeare to open out there in the second part you're acting that part lady back but is an individual but at the same time it's a fictional individual you the actor you are not really Lady Macbeth and then you are acting as Lady Macbeth you know that you are not lady mind now suppose somehow we had forgotten who you very is such a great actor that you really you Lady Macbeth and then you are trapped and you're suffering in the terrible tragedy and then suddenly you come to your senses that oh I'm not this I am actually I'm acting as Lady Macbeth okay now let me ask you these lady magnets individually to be retained or not you will say the vital sense no no you are the actor you're not leading back that way and yet and I'm here the story continues the acting continues you continue to be that individual for the purposes of the drama I think noting the example there because in the case of the actor the actor is an individual in the example any any example actor must be an individual acting as another individual that individuality is falsified but then the actor is individual it is real in the example but here in this case the actor the ultimately it's an impersonal reality is not an individual this question is to come people vote them would ask Swami Vivekananda yes an immortal reality beyond like a beyond bird be opted I'd love to be mocking but I'd love to be mortal as me the individual what you're suggesting is like and lose my individuality and he would actually make fun they recommend he would draw it out this precious you would say individuality what is it where is this individual you're talking about it's already an illusion where is this individual is it the same individuals was there 20 years ago is it the same individual was there 15 years ago your tastes have changed your thoughts up change your ideas and desires aspirations have changed medicine and the same person are you memories have disappeared all are having overwritten every day in the night when is going to the dream when you going to deep sea no individual every night you know spirituality essence is what you are not reaching what you accumulate what you accumulate urbanised it is guaranteed I'm sorry to say this is guaranteed to be lost the body will be lost your accumulated wealth will be lost most of the information you've gathered very very soon and if you go and it's not important we think it's important it's not what we acquire morally what is retained what is retained after the death of this body is your bank account meeting I'll tell you what is within is the back computing now as husband wife children grandchildren house now their memories may be but we don't began to count them we have can hardly record a call out on the kindergarten memories about the memories of our baby so memory is also probably not Susan I think we did Krishna answers this in in the Gita Parvati the sixth chapter arjuna asks suppose I don't get enlightenment in this life you know all the spiritual practice that I have done till now is it all lost I die and Krishna guess the answer no it is not lost you move on the path of spiritual realization imagine with nothing that you do on this path is lost so the moral progress that we make it has to be there for some scholars that traces the character that we carry from lifetime to lifetime good and bad so we build on that no no no I am backing up quite a bit now I've got half way down towards base camp so all that is retained where where is it written in the subtle body suksham sharir which continues from lifetime to lifetime and which is different from for each one of us for this different for each one of us over lifetimes we evolved so through many experiences happy inside we begin to change very little people ask wouldn't it be nice if we could remember our past words we could learn our lessons much faster and they could change you would think that if I remember that I have been through many births so I really am not destroyed by birth and death and if I committed mistakes I could learn from that if you forget then on the lessons lost what do you think we do not learn from memory it's an interesting thing otherwise we wouldn't commit the same mistake twice in this life and we get we commit it again and again and again yet we do learn how do we learn it's not a change in memory it's a change in some scar subscriber needs tendencies the sum total of which is expressed as our character and that changes every little child in the same family siblings they're different so the inherit inherent character that we get from past births that changes and that changes over lifetimes so it's not that we remember things in our past life but if we had experiences maybe the addiction maybe with some problem on the other we suffered a lot in this life somehow we are not we are not attracted to those pathways anymore you don't know we don't remember but it doesn't pull us in somewhere deep inside the memories are not there anymore but the tendencies are there if we have done a lot of religion spiritual practices in fast life shri krishna says that in the next life he tells arjuna even if you have not attained enlightenment in this life in the next life what will happen is this person is reborn in suitable circumstances parents are good and pious and virtuous and this person will be swept away by the force of his or her past practices he says leave the Amish or visa helplessly your structure me along the spiritual path healthiest pieces not consciously oh I memorized up to the sixth chapter of the bhagavad-gita last and if you start in the seventh chapter this dislike no you won't remember that whatever religion you are born into whatever please whatever spiritual teachings are available to you there and those things will become a dinner with you and you find them teachers come books come circumstances come in such a way that you got sucked back into that faculty so this is what is carried over from lifetimes two things happen one is our own tendencies are along this path spiritual path and the universe sort of conspires to give you what you need so that's what happens and it's a long journey but got about this much Porter along is not even interested in this he says this is what exactly to get rid of this spiritual self which were breathing life after life span after life after life strength this is the whole game has to end that's what he's talking about beyond this subtle body with its own tendencies mixture the little bundle of tendencies we take a leak from lifetime's beyond this is the real self which we have been talking about all along it is existence consciousness with which you are not bending it's there it is the reality it is what you are it is what you're searching fun the the subtle body is different for you and her and physical bodies are different this is what is are even different for you let them to let them to attract the subtle body is the same that's what you define as yourself the individual sentient being but beyond the individual sentient being is one impersonal reality that the existence consciousness bliss we are talking about and as long as you don't like that guy be able to stay away from that idea the dark impersonal consciousness one consciousness is God to you but here again let me point out we are at the end where the very end of spiritual knowledge made out that literally needs the culmination of our spirituality and this book is the culmination of a doctor the error it is telling you you are that which was searching for the God you are searching for the absolute reality or searching for you you are there not this person that you think yourself to be then what will happen it rate of it it's not that this person will become free you the impersonal reality you become free of the person you become free of what you consider yourself to be along with all the multi lives inherited you know treasury of spiritual tendencies none of that all those are so you can ascend you are perfect you don't need to make up a spiritual person the really this individual is climbing its way up that's why I'm telling again and again finishing school finishing school in the introduction to ashtavakra gita by nam who translated it he says after all the religions have spoken the velocity the philosophers have had their say and fallen silent after even the great scriptures of humanity the different girls pictures of the world have had their say had fallen silent ashtavakra begins a star chakra Vita if there is one book which is higher than this offset which is its - power which will we do something I promise to finish it one way or the other but what he needs to say is true of this book on that without it basically the combination so this absolute which they are talking about the one reality which is the ground of waking dreaming deep sleep that is impersonal it's not person the moment you talk about questions you are back into the triangle of God world and person the moment you transcend this triangle there is no more individual left how can there be individual this look at your own deep sleep is not an individual the individual is still there in a seed form because it comes back the moment you wake up but in deep sleep itself the individual is not experienced and yet you are there separated from you think about it in deep sleep is there something separate from you know several meanings are you separate from me you been yes is that true think about it is that true you're waking experience you're making experience right now is separate isn't it different from everybody else's heart our dreams different from each of those dreams what do you think it's for everybody it's like religion what we had done in the first chapter are what your deep sleep experience is different there is no individual left in deep sleep itself let alone the Tauri or the fourth which is me all names you know individual intellect and individuality is something that's meant to be transcended it's the very symbol of the false but it's it's a process of growth I mean you go through that the ego the ego is the individual ego is a function of the mind right think about it what's the is the function of the mind the mind it says I I am this body mind that's think but that's not consciousness consciousness is shining on the income beyond datum so now you are identifying yourself with the based consciousness with the background consciousness not with individual body mind the individual party mine is a vacant other so what we are the take away from the question is that look we are looking at here in the mountain here in red on thing that all of our vital a dancer is an impersonal reality not a better individual it's just to it now what you gain of it it is just the opposite of an enhanced individual if you want this individual to stay and be a better individual then sign up for the yoga studio and the gluten-free diet and go jogging him and improve your mind go to the New York Public Library attend lectures a better body a better mind more cultured person that's an enhanced individual subject to complete destruction but then end up the return of century although completely gone we will keep doing that having done that lifetime after lifetime the question comes what's the point of all of this what have you doing a little bit of Alzheimer's done already now just let it go what are people's cannot just stay there the reason we're here scared of it it scared of it because we think that's who we are if that's done then hang on knowing what not that's the great mail message of hope in all religions give you and especially we not they tell studied you if you are already beyond it for you completely saved from that now in the four verses these four verses are really worth memorizing with very beautiful is yeah at its most practical level enlightenment a bright inaudible realization at its most practical level very practical is the part I will be careful of using it at its most very is going to talk about thirty five twenty fifth verse was beaten our fire crows huh yep done this already let's roll a monavie way the power of e near the company i am nishita reppin Yokohama oh yeah what did it say so how does one become enlightened it mentions or indicates the four necessary preparations for non dual knowledge for forward qualifications you should start with this it's coming really late in this text mundo cuervo Berta passes remain this is what you start with you start climbing the Everest this is the backpack you need to have and the oxygen tank and everything what are they Viveca the discrimination analysis could leave the eternal and the non-eternal a sense that there is an eternal reality and everything else is passing a shadow our show first we make of discrimination clearly in the carrot in your mind second way around here are dispassion for the now eternal for the passing show up like a dispassion non-hit rip a dispassion i've seen through it all I know intimately doesn't matter I want that eternal reality I want God realization I want moksha nirvana I want that not this so that is this passion then the six core treasure do you remember these are the treasures if this is the monetary resources you need for the spiritual journey what do you need remedies rb6 credit cards in your wallet and then if you max them out then you're in trouble you need to use them Schama quietness of mind a peaceful mind one of the greatest blessings in life to have a peaceful mind second dhamma control of the senses not physically Restless control of senses I've seen it I had go and read in the New Republic naturally I've seen one guy comes so Restless he makes there the whole table Restless jumping around all the time another person comes sits and reads for hours and hours and hours together absolutely steady physically steady be physically steady then Deeksha a spiritual fortitude toughness no matter what the temperature is I am going to turn up for the Vedanta class or physically ill still I'm going to pursue life is going to throw hardship at us and the first thing that's usually sacrificed is our hunger spiritually that's what happens no I'm going to hold on to that the restive needed spiritual toughness detection forbearance then fourth one is who priority if we draw all from too much engagement see if you are partying all weekend long then there is very little time and energy leftovers for high a higher persons and the mind also gets colored by those things one must be draw otherwise you cannot shift so easily from a very lifestyle so mixed up with the world in sensuous enjoyment and then shift gears suddenly into spirituality doesn't work so apparently we draw a certain bit drawings necessary some on Hanah focus steadiness or now you have withdrawn don't eat getting stripped back into our worthiness again now staring down on the spiritual quest settle down on meditation settle down the may not externally settle down on perfecting your ethical life settle down come on amount of focus Nets steady it literally here it weak steadiness in bailant external somehow then shut up the doe-eyed I have not realized it yet it's ultimately this is collect what the teachers are telling us for the text of telling us there is a reality here shut up and then the last one the fourth one they took the third one is a set of six having completed the six then the fourth one last one is boom of shock or an intense desire to be free free of what free of the bondage of spans forever this wheel of suffering and birth and death and and striking and failure freedom from individuality this is Motordrome an intense desire to be free so deep he has indicated those for those four qualifications are necessary keep your eyes on that when you are driving you keep your eyes on three or four times the temper engine temperature and the speed and you on the drive mirrors behind you so we keep your eyes on those things similarly in spiritual life to keep your eyes on these four four qualifications aren't they strong and I might like running low in any of them usually trouble is because I'm running low trouble is not really the brain after trouble is with those lack of the score for qualifications I remember us talking with a great Bonanza teacher one was considered to be an enlightened person Jeevan Mukta imagine by living soul asking him I didn't dare to say is this enlightenment but I missed it so what do you think this is my understanding of a doctor he says to me back to the basics young he says in Hindi he said I mean what he said was you have a grasp on later on - there's no doubt about that but are you firmly established in the four for qualifications he said in Hindi Rock Cove a dance called pikarin southern Georgia Tech trade are you fired in the course for qualification so back to those four is it that's why we reckon the same I know where the shoe pinches then switches the unglamorous part of spiritual life it's quite a dump here and then and then I will not explain further because they go on the whole I explained it last time of course nearly Cal Poly understand by such a person who has studied Vedanta monana thought about it qualified with the four for qualifications he realizes I am this self to you to be without any division what does division mean remember how we studied this it Brahman is real you are the absolute you are the reality the world is an appearance but in terms of this text Mart okay what does it mean it means way color and makers world dreamer and dreamers world deep sleeper and deep sleepers darkness these are the divisions they seem separate from each other underlying all of them is the one mythical / undivided self the for you are the fork you realize yourself as not the Waker experiencing a world not the trimmer experiencing dreams not the one in deep sleep rather the one consciousness in which these three appear and disappear when we say world is false world is an appearance in mon Dieu Cay language what does it mean what is the world in mind ok language wakers world + dreamers world + deep sleep darkness or in more philosophical language the word is the coulomb direct that means the physical world experience now sukshma Provencher the subtle world of thoughts feelings emotions ideas in your mind Kahana prefecture the causal world in what do you experience in deep sleep when everything is scrunched together into a featureless darkness the same state all this is called world this is an appearance this is not a separate reality apart from us what we think out it to me done this is 35 this is what the realize the curse after [Music] [Music] therefore having it to be thus so you should understand what is meant otherwise the transmission is knowing it to be thus doing what to be what one should fix once memory on non-duality having attained the non-dual one should behave in the world as the one-way valve is it okay what does it mean the question here is after enlightenment what should you do this one question so what do I do next after I become enlightened or how do I live in Sanskrit k-much irate how does one behavior how does the in likes me want to be him how what will I do after suppose I do accomplish this when you study up waiter right after you get the feeling of eminent enlightened I see one person was attending the Gita class he said he's listening to the teachings of Krishna and your city it's so close I can realize it now so in enlightenment is a minute my god then what's the plan for after the enlightening the post enlightenment plan what do I do so that this answer to that question what does he say of doing it that's body even with it - I am having realized the self to be such such means the one non-dual consciousness which is the the foundation of the vapor and the vapors world dreamer and he was deep sleeper in deep sleeper soil the tule or the foot having realized I am that I am NOT mahram this very centrist absolute I am done what have availa is that or on your bit realizing that or having known that from studying made under having known everything that have been talked till now having known all this thinking well about it what do you do a great a your jets with this so even recorded the final Midnight's I mean what do you do now what's to be done fix your memory about non-duality literally means this what do you mean fix your memory of of non-duality translator says that means continuously think of the non-dual all right here is a point which has to be understood carefully memory thinking of the non-dual he's at practice it is not enlightenment what do I mean by that see it's like this it's a rope it's not a snake it's oh no it's not a snake I'm thinking that I have not yet seen it clearly so it's not enlightenment when I see that it's a rope I will not have to keep thinking that it's a rope it's not a snake is not a job it's not a snake this wheel broke example as long as I'm thinking it it's a practice if I had to keep thinking do I keep thinking I'm sorry fear and themself okay I don't know about you but I don't keep thinking observable I know you and serve affair anthem I want to keep thinking it you see I don't have to engage I want you to keep thinking that I'm sorry just in case I forget now it's not a question of memory follow this carefully memory and knowledge are very different without the without the epistemology clearly distinguishes between memory and knowledge Gyan already really means not a memory and smithy is not regarded as not sweetie is not regarded as knowledge what is knowledge in Medan with aunt acknowledges the knowledge which is produced by realization based on the teaching of Vedanta teaching Abaddon taught to a machine that thou art or what we have been studying so far the enlightening knowledge that you get I am Brahman the knowledge is produced by from our and pramana means a source of knowledge what is the source of knowledge in this case it is made up no conditions so the knowledge produced by Upanishads not contradicted by other sources of knowledge what you realize are grandmas it should not be contradicted by what you are seeing hearing smelling tasting and very interesting it should not be contradicted by science also so like or should not be contradicted by reason now so it should not be contradicted by any other source of knowledge the realization makes for new positions not contradicted by any other source of knowledge and is not a memory that's also clearly specified it's not a memory it's not something that you re magining or remember it's not a remembrance it's like this is an important point to understand why many people at this point think that the real thing is this and guru Pathik circle you say fix your memory or non-duality so i must respond remembering that i am drawn right that's what we have to do the same monk who I just mentioned the given with the solution he's I can tell you is making he's passed away so he's Ramananda sir he was like a wandering monk even of the painter in Ankara sure I met him in in Concord which is correct one so this I was there in the conversation a young monk is questioning Rama reserve study it comes to this particle at in spite and says at least we must hold on to this right I am brother forget everything else but this is what we must focus on I stay with it I have ramen and Ramadan the sweetie but the earnestly says to him this is exactly what you must love to do in Hindi he said he to naked mind which is shocking why think about it back to the example of the actor playing living like that for example does the active continuously have to think I am the actor miss so-and-so and I'm not letting my faith I must keep this in mind otherwise I might forget I might disappear too does any have to think that no no what what is the difference between the actors individuality and Lady Macbeth individuality the Lady Macbeth individual it is entirely superimposed it depends it it's for his existence it depends on the actual painting and acting like linear operator the actor tries to feel like many more act like Lady Macbeth speak the lines of Lady Macbeth and then for that time she is Lady Macbeth but she knows effortlessly she knows that I am NOT Lady Macbeth and Miss so-and-so the the stage actor and that knowing all this carefully that knowing is not not a memory may be there in the memory but it's more and Emma needs knowledge it's not a TV it's not a total identity it's what you already know your subtly you don't have to fill it up with effort the Lady Macbeth persona has to be kept up with effort the moment you stop that effort delay in Ahmed personal disappears I am Brahman is not like lady magnet person it's like the actors knowledge of his own identity is an example here imagine that the individuality of factor is also put on a super imposition beyond that if the steady light of consciousness consciousness which is which is unchanging that reality I am I know it I don't remember it all the time I keep telling myself as long as your non duality you are enlightened depends on your reasoning to your third like a mantra I am Graham Graham it's not realization yet it's a practice music so this warning this is how one must understand 120 euro generates within connect your memory fix your memory per non-duality fix your memory open on well it is a practice it's not enlightenment yet this point has to be clear otherwise one building so this is the end of Advaita Vedanta one must keep thinking that we are wrong no British Indian monk once was explaining it to us I remember and he said it's like you know that stage it's like you have an easy machine it goes up and down like this which I'm runnin I'm runnin like that no it is not this is exactly what it is not so one we tend to think like that by reading these books but but one must understand what they're pointing towards and why would they say fix your memory up around reality as a Santa as a spiritual practice e.t pop shop are amanada needed nasara continuously rotate the teachings of Vedanta mind develop on it and try to assimilate the teaching yes keep on thinking I am from a number of aspects but remember that thinking is not enlightenment there is something more beyond that a flash of enlightenment which comes in fact this one point I'll make and before I go ahead sum up this sweetie and beyond knowledge and memory Smitty means memory guru means knowledge so technically speaking Smitty is called samskaras Indian born of traces so what we do in the world what we see and hear our experiences in the world they become traces in the mind and those traces nice to memory that is pretty and gonna how this knowledge part is pramana genuine God and knowledge is born from sources of knowledge what is the source of knowledge seeing is a source of knowledge hearing is a source of knowledge smelling tasting touching inference is a source of knowledge in fact you mean until you talk to talk about six sources of knowledge they don t accept is a source of knowledge it's like this simple difference look at me look at this pen in my hand or look at actually look at it when you are looking at it this is beyond and knowledge you have perceptual knowledge of the pen this is called protection Ramana protection means perceptual visual perception is giving you knowledge of the pen right now next close your eyes and imagine the penguin a just saw try to remember it we collect it in your mind what you are recollecting the Swami holding the pen that is pretty memory where did that come from that came from the trace but if the trace comes from the trace came from the knowledge when you are looking at it and in your previous math so we're not seeing it actually this is knowledge when you are remembering it that's memory that's not knowledge you can remember many things which have gone in the past which are not there right now memories of the sense of what we actually experienced in the past when you recollect it in the present those things are not here now what you're recollecting is not a direct experience it's a reconstruction from traces it's not reality memory is not reality it's a memory of something real that you saw many years ago no doubt about it but memory itself is not really follow this memory itself is not giving you real knowledge but protection sources of knowledge give you real knowledge what is really there it's what you see it's really there it's similarly Brahma young realization of brahman enlightenment also similarly will give you realization I am Brahman not remember that I have dismiss diction so sweetly is God some scholar genuine breaking the Sanskrit born of traces some scar not some solid some scar agenda the agenda means born and gala is pramana junior what is primary source of knowledge all this sounds fancy but it is not actually right now you did it when you saw it with your eyes whatever Turk what is the source of knowledge eyes eyes you psychic eyes you get a knowledge here is the thing this is young in knowledge it reveals reality to you right now close your eyes remember me holding the pen you also have a kind of experience but that experience is born of some star but then a trace left in your mind because saw me holding the pen and then you the important point is when you remember that that is not revealing reality to you because the moment you open your eyes you see that I am no longer what in the Paris but other thing is gone it's not everything reality - its revealing up past to you there is a ok I go into a new topic the three hands let's hear the questions and they're gone so seeing the pen secular knowledge is down all of it is Ghana so protection is Gianna and wanna inference science gives knowledge the the perception perception Vedanta scripture it points it out but remember scripture to not eat the sense of beginnings and it points it out and then you're supposed to realize it yourself so it is an intuitive realization but but for that you need the pointer the pointer comes from the rap it's the instigator the catalyst from outside which is needed for innervated that's how it functions so even my recollection of it would be obviously you know like for instance you were holding the pen I saw it as maybe your index finger was up somebody else could have seen your index finger w no no no no no never never never never see this is where it comes in if my index finger is up like this I'm holding it but doesn't it depend on you know the angle from which I am seeing but the thing is if you saw a mystery finger up like this there are nobody else could have seen it dump they could have not seen Vegas in index finger that's children angle but nobody could have seen her instead of you up and down in the same time what protects just our knowledge is telling us there is a reality which is revealed what you are seeing who different points of view they will see different things but the same thing nobody could have seen then in this finger down and up at the same time at the same point of time is it possible I can't do it how would you see it Ethan what is wrong and this other is right so so then in that situation and the reason I'm asking if there is a very famous film called Rashomon you know and then they in fact question this whole thing of what is truth what is reality right so philosophy here we're talking about base hard life reality how do you function you don't function like Russian day-to-day life either you need the either you have run out of ketchup in your fridge and you need to go out to dinner juice or you don't you don't say can do that or someone think that there are seven ways of looking at it therefore this half of tetrapods ketchup is hittin thoughts there are so many stories about it that's a beautiful way of looking at it but that's not good as okay as such I mean that's a beautiful way of conceiving of it different people saw different things and so they have different ideas on what happened at that time lot of memories involved in life lot of little innocent girl came back and so a lot of reconstruction is important but right now in a simple situation what is there what you are seeing you're seeing one thing right so that's what we could be called knowledge what you are either degree now what you tend to filter out from that what you tend to focus on is a subjective element but everybody saw that there is a friend in mind right now let's see the pending minor I'm telling something very simple don't go into too much detail use the sophistication for a Twitter not so here is your sense objects we need a pen in my hand point one it is revealing reality that's how in secular world how we function how science functions how we all function is it not true is it not true you concern all the time you're doing that you could edit it you wonder that we run about my street car tomorrow Biron be hit by traffic if you don't function in this way so we are all functioning using our sense organs this is knowledge for example and we will recall it right now that night again recalling the traffic going by under on the road which you saw that is memory and the point here is knowledge really is reality to you memory does not really reality to memory is a recollection of something it will experience with your traces help you to reconstruct because when you are thinking about it when you are remembering it and that time it's not reality it's already touched the traffic has gone fire the penguin is no longer in my head it's not revealing a present reality when you are remembering it or thinking about it so this distinction Vedanta wants to me it's a small distinction don't make too much of it but keep it remembering something why this distinction is made is always remember God what does it mean my Krishna Krishna Krishna is not repeating so that's a practice that's a practice and it's a good practice I'm doing is not talking about that I'm doing it is talking about see look here here's a pen you are a you are a pen and it is not asking you you cannot think that it is a powerful practice but that's not the goal of ablator ultimately if we should we need to clarity about apartments like you are the actor you don't need to keep thinking and the actor you don't need to keep thinking I'm at one and it's a separate toxic and self if it takes yes is the mine necessary for knowing it's in it's in the ABC book of Vedanta which means lower like the beginning we're on to solid that towards the end of that there is a topic because we keep saying the awkward is beyond mind beyond speech so there are no conditions Kano Commission says young man young man asana mother day what is not what cannot be thought up by the mind but by which the thoughts and reminder repeat in - on Illuminati you know no matter that is the behavior gravity realize that to be drilling the scale operation which says that Atman is beyond mind and yet there is nothing cut open it up it says what I say another up them it can be known only by the mind how can both be true both are true and there's a very precise sense in which water so what can the mind do in Ramayana and what the mind cannot it now did not go into the details but - if I would put it in two sentences it's like this the Atman is ever readied ever shining forth right now self revealed by like this light it like this light does not require another like to reveal it the Ottoman does not require the mind to reveal it the mind is also revealed by the opponent in fact the mind cannot function without consciousness consciousness release the mine the consciousness release itself and it give ease the mind and through the mind it reveals the body of the senses through the body and senses it alleviates a word so this is how consciousness is functioning this is functioning is not even a good word this is how consciousness shines open it should says that shining everything else signs by each light everything is lit up we might say you shining the real you everything else tries by your light everything in your life is little we don't devotee there's a school now then what can i bind you the mic and do this it is the mind ignorant in the mind which is obscuring the fact that I am at work so the knowledge which will come in the mind will remove the ignorance in the mind somebody's in and out come on it comes expensive so ignorance is in the mind knowledge is also in the mind knowledge in the mind removes the ignorance that knowledge actually does not reveal the husband is simply so to put it precisely what what can knowledge do what can the spiritual God what can it do it will remove the ignorance that I am NOT the Atlas it will remove the ignorance that I am NOT the author the ignorant is the result of the technologies I am NOT Atman I am body I am mind this ignorance is removed by knowledge what does it not do it does not directly reveal the outward what does secular knowledge - it reveals the object here is a pen Brahma Cameron is not really here is enough one no Remick and I will show you that you thought you a body mind you are not body mind that becomes very clear and then that you are the optimum it means times reveal that's it now let's go on then what does it mean Yoga is written connected to your memory what is the practice then I am now with all this discussion we understand yes there is a distinction between the practice and the ultimate realization the power but this connect your mind to non duality how there is a beautiful verse which goes like this channa Mabini fish Tandy with Ingram England the south-eastern theorem holiday our solar car they are Chicago the enlightened masters they do not stay for one moment without the awareness that they are prominent fifty needs the mortification of the wider thought without the knowledge of prominent they do not you are not even for one moment without Brahma Marine Bromley meets pervaded by Brahma the knowledge that everything is portrayed by Brahma without that knowledge they do not even stay for a moment who are these people sugar they were the great sugar devil sonica the great machine Brahma the creator and so on so they do not stay such other fully enlightened ones who do not stay but even one moment without what is called Brahman my enmity everything is Brahman but here is the thing to be understood this brand mommy rarity this this final knowledge highest knowledge he is again follow this carefully and repeated he is a gain of three times three levels the first level is non dual meditation they call it three levels are illuminated with the names our teruko like waves in an ocean second one from the how accountability what it literally caught remote young enlightened for the normal college there's a second one there's a third one Brahma my victim which is talked about in this verse the alternating ramen knowledge about T constant knowledge about the all-pervading Brahman is telling what is called sahaja yoga the natural state what it's like is this take the case of snake control now you have done all the due diligence you have studied that it's not a snake it's a rope Oh without the teachings have been taken in you're not the Waker you're not the dreamer deep sleeper you are the consciousness in which these three come and go you've studied all of that now can you leave it this is called pedantic meditation non-dual meditation there are techniques of that basically this is like the waves of an ocean continuously one wave after another one after another one after another one with our break without pause without ceasing it comes after one after another after that they are all ocean waves similarly without giving the slightest chance to the idea on the body I'm sick I'm dying I'm helpless I'm sad I'm frustrated without giving pause for these with these waves to come in the lake of the mind let the waves be on and runs an arm from pass me a hum to us we touch it down in the species Allah in the loop of shivoham I am of the nature of consciousness it keeps all coming like the waves of an ocean this is non dual meditation this is what is meant by yoga it's within the first stage what will happen as you keep doing this there's a purpose for this why do you do this because contrary tendencies up there the mind has gotten into the habit of thinking I am body mind making an embodiment speaking as body mind and reacting to the world as body point as an individual the individual is so strong in us you know that's the root of the question I do an awkward but how do I know this because I'm an individual Seafarer here as a nun it's still the Austin of an individual this way out of that but only thing is this this thing is e raised by continuously drilling a powerful counter conditioning is set up so that it becomes easier becomes more natural to think of yourself see yourself as fragment not as body it actually happens over time but it's hard work to stay with it Saamy with no the potential is so I mean we make on this head tell yourself again and again I am that so um I have that till it tingles with every drop of your blood see if you do that right now without reference to UM Islamic studies becomes a kind of day washing doesn't really water but with your difference you'll be done 630 once you have got clarity stay with that clarity that is made on thick meditation staying with that clarity is in active meditation it's like when you go to the class and you learn the equations the laws of thermodynamics you know the mathematics behind it you know the concepts value if you keep thinking about it again and again and again you are driving that knowledge deep into yourself without understanding the mathematics it should memorize the equations it's also kind of knowledge but you don't know what's there under the hood what's going on there amazing just know some symbols so that's the difference having learnt everything having understood everything having got clarity about it to overcome what they call contrary tendencies in Sanskrit the per litre power contrary tendencies I am body I am a man or I am young or old I am rich part or I am frustrated or I am successful whatever these are all contrary tendencies they are not true then they are true only when you think of yourself as body mind so that is overcome stage one stage one what is the hour - Rupa ocean like waves in an ocean the coming continuously and so the counter you become centered in reality then stage two comes what is stage two the wrong heart out of Italy in English literally the ripped II the modification of the mind in the form of fragment or more simply enlightenment what is normally called enlightenment from Haryana that is second stage you realize you realize it not thinking about it anymore not dwelling on the claret anymore it comes as of clash difference is this the first one is you have learned that it's not a snake you are clear about it it's a rope you are mistaking it for a snake is still a little afraid it could be loose pretty here so it's not saying it's not original that's stage one at one point you clearly see Oh where's this make this mistake it is a rope that is the stage of enlightenment is that it's the moment of connection it's not a snake never was a snake not a snake now never will kiss me it always has been a row the whole problem was an error visible there is a precise moment when you go from one side to the other it's a precise moment you can never forget it all your life long the screen just lifts and permanent it is it's like looking into the Sun or into something lately it's like looking into the Sun you cannot doubt it no matter whatever people tell you there's no Sun in the sky it's blazing forth so it's there so that is the second stage the moment of enlightenment that's very clear that's what normally in spiritual literature is regarded as set only enlightenment from the gap that's second gravity even that's not the end there comes a third stage to crawl the natural state they call it from Hawaii everything where you don't even keep thinking oh not a snake it's a rope you keep thinking that all the time you know you know it's a rope now you don't even think about it anymore it's a rope well go on to tell life in the same way it becomes Bremen everything is Brahmin inside and outside I have everything that appears to be is Brahman it's very clear Atman is Brahman mind is also Brahman body is also proven world is Brahman it's not that there is a word at a party of the mind which is somehow Brahman rather Brockman is and he's appearing in these forms every character in the movie is is the screen every incident in the movie is the screen there is those things are not real in themselves the screen alone is real and you keep reminding yourself when you're watching a movie and need not be concerned about Harry Potter he's not really in trouble it's just you spoil the enjoyment of the movie if you did that you know you know it's not real you know the screen is here all the time without thinking about it that is gone so this is the most in like that completely enlightened persons they they live in this world with full knowledge that I am from her and everybody else's there is only one in fact it's not a question of I and everybody else remember the moon shines forth in this beautiful some sovereigns that's their knowledge that's the third stage first stage it's not a snake it's a respect respect is second stage breakthrough oh I see third stage it's a rope ladies memory it's not in consideration [Music] like Saddam fish know ma Kali ma Kali anything bush no see truth or no Krishna Krishna Krishna see this David that idea we think that they are enlightened in that case what is one non word is him have a little bit I know I know but remember what are we studying here manually yes I know a strict non dual is what and I'll give you the two difference so the trick Nandu list would say from more about this angle what you are talking about is a much lower state until that has to be transcended and they have to come here because that's still within a clearances that's still in the Triangle of guard world and introduces gene whatever each other that has to be transcended beyond all three there is the ground of reality my stomach hurts words the ground of God and the ground of my soul are the same the same as a member of mascara that's a strict no dress would say that dualistic religion is a lower kind of religion this is the final I say finishing school pick up the Everest but what you are saying is what I am noticing there's another paradigm which is not within these limits God a father would be taking out a stick to hit me face it attracts me to like that doctor with enough detail pincers a wider paradigm in which you recognize these are all paradigms no matter how sophisticated this is the most sophisticated form of non-dualism in the world there's nothing that all all my studies ever come across anything close to this on Twitter even Andy not to intervene on the monarchy except perhaps our stubbornness but which is again a family is not a philosophy meself it's just be conclusion hammered in many things occasionally throughout the body so this is it yes there is a wider paradigm in sri lanka to say fine what is the need for so much talk you realize it taste the mango and be happy and we don't say your line goes better than mine you have to taste it this way to taste the sweet see we give the example whether you taste it in this way or it is it's like this or you can stay upside-down it tastes exactly the same yes Brahmin is not produced by the second stream remember enlightenment is produced by the psychic state what is enlightenment it is it is removal of the doubt that I it is removal of the wrong notion I am NOT Bravo by repeating by practicing that it is not a snake it's a rope you did not produce the road you only remove the error in the case of you there is no to try to find a unity between various faiths yes in reading this it seems to be pointing towards all religious thought as being and also the creation is being part of mine yes good part of Maya in this regard this kind of scary it is true remember though it is part of Maya what would God about the stage of religious country there are Maya there's a part of Maya like greed lust worldliness which traps you in samsara and religion whatever form it is though it is part of Maya from God about his perspective it's still dualistic thinking it sets you free from sin it leads you to the non-realism though it is dualism without expect you cannot reach nominalism dualism is of two kinds helpful and not helpful not helpful kind Traxxas in worldliness in suffering and singing yes so if they be kinda pointed out here see the Abrahamic religions make a big deal of monotheism it's childish from an aggravating perspective so I'm going on the same I am afraid your much-vaunted monotheism is but halfway house what you have done is the primitive polytheistic faiths you said no no no not like this there is one reality one car which is a great step forward in human civilization good but on 20 light-years beyond that not one God it is one reality at all which appears as God you and the universe the reality of God and your reality and the looseness is reality at one year so it transcends that also that's why it's called non velocity somebody pointed out that in a Christian country when you talk about dualism immediately people think dualism of good and evil but anyway dr. dwelle ism is a metaphysical humanism not good and evil not a value dualism it's it's better than of multiple realities or one reality even in mobile cases there are multiple realities you and I are different theologies the world is the pluralistic reality and beyond that there is Oh God that's what monotheism says they are not multiple gods what would they got to say to that he would say of course and not interesting move on move on what is that God and what are you what's the reality of that garden what is your energy that monotheistic God is not the final world of religion beyond that lies non-dualism and it's not that Christian mystics did not know that they knew that Mary Beth Meister Eckhart is unfamiliar with but they're more than alpha others Saint John the mistake Meister Eckhart paid into eternity then left in not endless beautiful jonquil state records as mu X mu question excite Descartes for example a coated him he says the ground of guarded the ground of my soul on the r-1 what do you mean the ground of God that means the Godhead is something higher than than the idea of but we talk about substrate up to God in you do not remain as an individual anymore the moment you remain an individual then you have to believe in job because it's a triangle there is God above all the god of religion of faith and the universe and you the individual and you are related to God by faith but devotion by surrender so not belief is not against it but not a little bit sends you to go further than this so Advaita right now they're not what they done there are forms of ananka which are dualistic and they all say there is one God there is one car they call it by different names they induce him to become we call it buddy Shiva or God can in the male form of the female of God can be worshiped in this way of that means but if they all see it's wonder the Hinduism gives an impression of qualities because of different forms and imagery and I actually look at the text they also did one reality but it can be experienced in different yes in my search yes we sort of the unified theory of religion yes yes whenever I read in this book and see brother yes more or less what how would a la una Bronwyn big quality so whether it is Shiva or Vishnu or dark alley or ji ho our Allah or the Father in heaven they are all the Creator God the moment you say creator god God created this universe you are already in the realm of God the all-powerful almighty on many patients will see the same language being used in Vedanta in Islam in Christian in Judaism there is an omnipotent omniscient omnipresent just very bülent creator of the universe that is the monotheistic God but without is talking about something beyond that rose with the money keys to God you do not say I am God that sacrilegious but with the ground of God and the ground of your own being not one of the same there are so many Islamic curve there's two theories for example who actually realized this in fact one of the best non-dualistic statements I've heard it comes from the great Sufi mystic he says when I searched for Allah I found myself when I searched for myself I found Allah what a beautiful fatigue classic this is literally the highest peaking of a mountain and this is what we said about this even even the Quran itself even the beginning verses are there that I am NOT born and I have no you say that no children literally this is another bottle this is what what about let's say the universe is actually in the sense of God it's not created it's not a second reality apart from God in that sense so that's that's a I mean it's a beautiful thing Christian mysticism Islamic mysticism any any serious practitioner of religion in any religion in the world and any time in history we'll see they've sort of come to this truth mainstream religion may or may not accept it because it's considered to be dangerous so they reject it but there's nothing mystery structure yes in structure in power in organized religion is not there this reason for that also you need to maintain a kind of society this way fine but if you're a serious thinker you know all the great religious traditions of the world they have come to this recommend two books to you one is perennial philosophy you know the various data sexy could you take a look you will love it really collects the teachings from the different religions of the world across all the subjects dealt with in religion starting with this first chapter is on this one Don doing good but then he goes on the more he's become the greater meditation and charity all those ideas from across the different regions of the world and he shows the common ground very near plaza is actually another one actually separately that's why muslim scholar is studying in his working in england he has compared three great masters Shankara fat veteran after meister eckhart and a great muslim scholar of the medieval ages and he's shown if you translate them into reasonable english they're literally saying the same thing i went a shutter a part of it because I know that but I want you to judge how deep discount is who's he is talking from an Islamic perspective so if he has done a good job of Shankara then I know that in his own and I'm glad to see you've done a good job I can see use that repetition is authentic so that's a very beautiful book but it's a dense book so it's not really popular and Shoji it's called pax to transcendence thanks professor he's a shear scholar working in England yeah yes not can't ultimately came to this I can't resist mentioning this the great philosopher Kant who is a team they say is like the Copernican revolution in he do this whatever he perceived of the world and about ourselves all through what he called the categories of reason categories of thought time space many other things are there then what is reality you got it dinging G German things in itself but he stops there he says it can't be known it's there it's the foundation of reality but it's forever unknown for us now I'm making a very general statement there are philosophers who have gone much different repentance and there are post countries who develop this and they come - very romantic conclusions what they done to say there is this that thing in itself if you're calling unknown is self relieved why is it unknown because it's not an object you can't make it an object of your from all the sources of knowledge that which gives you secular knowledge that cannot remedial until you because it's not an object to your pramanas grant is right up to this which is one more thing it is you yourself and you're continuously shining coat coat and so the thing in itself which is the argument can be understood or revealed or grasped intuitively it can itself grasp itself by itself I'm actually transmitting the suspect it does not need a mind to grasp but the mind has to be life mine has to be aligned to it yeah leave it at that Thanks all right let's go ahead no I will come to the main topic today the modern half house is gone what end what is the copy the question was now how do I act in this world see when you go through this process but Latham some of the prompt you realize non-duality you realize now during this process the three stages the victim you fix your memory to that and then you struggle with it a number of masks meet and you have the realization I have everything is Brahman inside outside always Rama Sri Ramakrishna's began that what I left behind is also Brahma everything is Brahman is the only reality fine it's a world this is a world or windows language beautiful language the word drowned in the white player in the world drown in the white in the white layer of an immortal is the world drowned in the white glare of an immortal case what is that immortal gaze don't be scared you are that important is you aren't that consciousness which is the whose white clear the world shines in and the word is nothing apart from that what we're already having done all this now what the question comes so then what will I do next the non where the teacher laughs at this and say this is the first sign of an unenlightened person the very fact that you think that you will have something to do after things doing something means individuality okay done I had a to do list B become enlightened I become enlightened I become a Buddha or enlightened person now what do I do but they already meant to do this you know the very fact that you think something is to be done it is in identification with body mind it's from our perspective here and now we think that okay become enlightened not for all eternity can't get bored what do I do so this is no it's not like that practically technical perspective my agent ship disappears it's like realizing I am the screen on which the movies playing if I'm Harry Potter in the movie have a lot of things to do plenty of things are to fight evil and all those things have to be done but behind the screen in which the movies playing what do I have to do nothing have fun enjoy the movie you are Harry Potter and everybody else they tie movies you yourself entirely kept some sod it becomes a movie for you and then you still have the party might remember that particular body might now that's the body might not be what might be called an enlightened person but the enlightened person does not think of himself or herself as an enlightened person truly speaking what are you honestly speaking you will say I am Brahman and I'm not only no water problem I am NOT an enlightened person I have that here I am NOT a person who knows we ality now is to do something like that no so what is the answer that's it very interesting Java locomotor Java glow commercially in the world behave like the other entitled live like the onion right they fed you unread elected meat live like an ordinary person be most unexceptional it will be an unenlightened person who thinks the imagined person must be something like this I am Brahman you're just a miserable critter [Music] I'm invited you're uninvited the moment a person says I'm enlightened the person is not invited I often quote mr. pellet somebody plays this that you are a Brahmin Canyon or agreement and he came down hard on that person and said you're insulting me how can it be an insult it's the highest praise in our culture that you are enlightened your daughter problem is ill and got no other problem and I am from North London presupposes body mind who knows that is not correct the king of Malaysia police puts it this way we cannot only Chinatown the Gotham of Aconitum for the for the persons who say they know it is unknown for the persons who to whom it is known they will say that I did not know it and means it it's not known as an object it's not a pramana yes they are not under steer madam madam yes the elevator sir the one who says it cannot be known objectively a matter that person knows the person who said I have known it done enlightened que no criticism but that means for the real antic student at the most advanced level not for the person industry to say go grandma never know who's that guy so easy and all the mud to keep glasses and say I do not know Brahmin as an object correct then you know jariabek locomotory behave like the analyzer what will you do whatever you think we do I need to start teaching Vedanta if you like if you don't bring me come somebody asked Raman marshy is it necessary to become a mark like he went to the hospital he said no mother why are you sitting in the cave but she's sitting in a cave painting a diaper let me excuse me right why are you sitting in the cave is wearing a loin cloth so we're sitting in the cave that is my mother if you were born in that situation you're working in the kitchen did it sounds alright you can both of us can be equally enlightened there is a verse which is popular strangely enough it's popular among monks in the Himalayas about realization enlightenment generally not shared and tell you for the first time it goes like this this they slice the objection of the partner to begin I'll tell you why it's not shared also it goes like this Krishna boom be sugar daddy ripple janakirama raju British car Manish truster survey Tigellinus Rama Krishna Rama Janaka and position who is wrong the incarnation of Vishnu who is Krishna the incarnation of Vishnu the God intention of table sugar the great sage that epitome of among the highest enlightened person all pronouncing world announcer vasishtha the great sage who was the Ritualist all Vedic rituals immature now it says the worst ghost that's what the beginning is is objectionable people might get a nice Krishna bogie Krishna is a householder who enjoys all the pleasures of the world why because the story goes he had 16,000 wives so the way in the number it shows it is some other meaning to it the go piece of endowment is supposed to be sixteen thousand in number and they were all there all says said to be the lovers of Krishna this petition is called the pony but what does it mean see there is a weight on thick interpreter many interpretation one interpretation is the book is we're not devotees of Krishna another interpretation is Vedantic interpolation we generally actually it's been casually performed in a psychology text discrete we have enough in a waiting day sixteen thousand discrete thoughts approximately 16,000 written it it but each stock can be individually identified approximately sixteen in the calculation like that which means if all the thoughts are about Krishna so those thoughts are the cookies which are about Krishna each thought is about Krishna so that's money to punish anyone but because the way the verse is stated Krishna is the enjoyer of the world holding next why some people might be a light switch why it's not generous but it's popular among months I've heard it in the malleus what does it mean Krishna though he appears to be a body sukadeva he appears to be the greatest carry he has only a light of nothing else in the world and Jonica the King Janaka and Ramachandra both are the ripple their kings they're engaged in their face of the world yeah very busy people powerful people and vasishta the great sage his ritual is all the time performing puja and towards medical truths all of them are absolutely the same as journeys as invited people their realization is exactly the same there's somebody had more realization addressed no more realization of this realization Brahma guiana that full enlightenment is presented all of them which shows what should I do after me enlightenment choose to believe whatever is the Karma of this particular body and mind in which you have attained enlightenment that so now we put it this way Clarke was put in prison then he was released from prison so when the clerk is released from prison what will he do strong wish to put it this way we'll eat and we'll dance the jig or did he go back to being a clerk in Bengali nothing lucky get ready get equal pay you can go back to being what you and all you might have put it in a more gentle way she said after enlightenment does it mean the person grows to hormones you realize your oneness we promise that everything is wrong that's what you realize everything moment you want sociology that's a sign of not being able the clearest signs that I want some speciality here here or something I should have like an exotic ma ba PhD and then enlighten qualification it's actually this is called vitiation something that sets you apart from everything else then you are not invited what is Bremen that from which nothing else is a partner everything is the same to Rumer the bronze is the same everything in everything in the highest and the lowest in the sinner and the same everywhere Brahma is the same and you are premon why would you watch special ad for one body and mind if you think you're Rama here realize children Swami preeminent those language speak about on this Sunday a very strange episode then he goes to Swami Sivananda and sales - rubbish even under a legend person tremendous Heights brother why do we even wear these ochre ropes this game is this competition why should we not dress like ordinary men see even this is unbearable to me to show any kind of speciality and it should receive any time pramana the jeans in his room he was the manager to benefit the entire the main monestry the manager so he's in charge of everything all the money and everything when he died they found he had two shirts one on his body and one in his little back everything halfback hit one more shirt he has one pair of slippers one change of a clock and a Bhagavad Gita it was this entire position so no question of any kind of separation one monk who might like for this he's a very intellectually talented person is written number he likes knowledge and the main one is tutorial you cannot publish it under your name because it so he has to pull it's related under the database successful they popular they're published by multinational corporations Harvard College journalism so he said I'm going to write the next now is going to be about this person who is enlightened who behaves like just everybody else in this like an ordinary person as it is ordinary but inside here just sheer content for everybody show outside and just like you but inside you know I know Brandon you don't that's not the sign of an emotional person just just the opposite jarama locomotory behave like the onion like live like you're invited so the question is I come to you what should I do answer is whatever comes here we do it from your point of your grandma makes no difference from the Dharma of that particular body and my things will keep coming as things keep coming so do it beautiful verse the enlightened person sort of glides through life it's a bitter smile as duties keep coming he discharges them with a smile the whole series of one who taught us I mean like rubber is not in not get like beyond enlightenment see the question is this question comes or not if you think about it carefully this question will come to you and Shankar Acharya I wish I could say this answer in two or three times this question has come in the commentaries once somebody thirteen Chatrapathi just somebody from Kara who whose ignorance basically the same question whose ignorance because then answer will be yours but you said I am wrong and all this time you've been teaching me and brother Raman particle words so if I had ignorant that average evil who's not drawn under the whose ignorance and chakras answer is very interesting he says why are you asking because you are you know give or take movements but I'm Brandon basically no other problem is the problem is this Regina the individual be Brahman is not a paradox the GUI is a paradox it's because of error the government thinks of itself feeds itself or acts like achiever did Mooji matter which is why chiba-chiba or cheetah move like a Jeeva ahh bra the gene is a paradox anything that's a product of error is a paradox let snake it's a paradox it's not there what did you see so the Jeeva realizes its true nature it's browning yes a humbrol maskol if that is the case then when that realization comes yes why does the Jeeva have any use for what is not Rama has no use it on either Geneva gets absorbed into its nature as Brahma in which case the body drops off at 21 his own external you would see that person does not come back with me oh the Jeeva be enjoying this world as Brahma when you realize it as a movie why do th all have it's unreal well it's awesome static absolute but Brahma is also this person Brahma is also this world without brahman when we look at this world it is samsara and terrible when we realize this world is brown that's the third stage atop the water with pink I mean who all the sages and Rama and all they are all engaging about doing everything in the I think every bit of it is problem and communicate you can engage in part of it knowing that all that reduces is is decreased but you can design beautiful parts that's so that's the very nature of don't think of grandma only as an absolute and not this then you set up an alien a dichotomy between and awesome we distant universe a little cold absolute then why this hot messy world but this fantasy would is the night shining from forth from that it's not different but um on itself you think you know this right right now it is prominence after all this is from my friend the difference is between knowing it realizing it will not realize it not realizing suffering realizing it joy and transcendence of so once you finish the life in which you reach enlightenment confident yes because the end of karma no more new lives will be there for what is very much alright general but locum answer it one more thing so this person gives many descriptions this person behaves absolute this person behaves as necessary they say with million he will be handsome of you he is a month lecture nama krishna with me then he behaves just like one of them the women never Jesus in operation I would say we never felt that he was not a woman with young boys like Narendra and other incentives to come to he would joke make fun play like a child and they say that when a great philosopher comes he's sitting down and talking about Brahman and Maya and Jana and splitting and you know all the epistemology and metaphysics but whoever comes that person seems to reflect that that jerem garrovick answer it means he acts according to the situation is perfectly at home with everybody in the universe who's everybody in the universe if you yourself once long ago song it was a pretty good year he would start with discourses by saying Mary atmosphere or all of you who are none other than I myself my very own you are you are but you are I so I'm speaking to myself so that's how you the person lives one comment on the word exact word which is used instead of saying unenlightened the word used it da da da da ji Jeremy's in Newark of intention the two words in Sanskrit Chaitanya and Jerrod you see it's important to notice this journal means inert or unconscious in Sanskrit in Indian languages unconscious and Tritonia means consciousness itself now when sri ramakrishna would teach he would bless people billion vital that's how it's translated but the actual word he used would say or you would say joy it'll know you would use this this word Chaitanya if you actually translate it literally I think not not translate you inhale you're missing a powerful message they're literally translated it means be pure consciousness but you are already pure consciousness so what it means is being a country your real nature is pure consciousness it is very casually translated as DN item sri ramakrishna blessed everybody be my son that's all right but what is the exact language he used Toyota no home it means Twitter no means consciousness hope means be be consciousness but you are already consciousness according to Vedanta that means awaken to your nature as pure consciousness and what is jerem not conscious unconscious so the table and Chiara in partial language in in Indian that's it to be job living bees are said to be kitten and nonliving things are said to be Jarl onion like to make is taken s not conscious but how can you not be conscious we are all conscious we regard ourselves as conscious means number one the experience consciousness right now and number two according to me enough to be our pure consciousness right now so what does it mean to say that we are generate means we have not admit awake to our nature as pure consciousness so we have like not conscious we are like body mind we think ourselves as body mind let me finish this we think of ourselves as body mind which is not your consciousness that's all we know about ourselves though we are your consciousness completely forgotten that we identify ourselves as body mind this is a journal this is what we think ourselves as so this is the word used for not enlightened so not enlightened literally it's a very without the use of the term not aware of your real nature is pure consciousness and the inviting would be Chaitanya a link to your real nature as consciousness I remember once Sri Ramakrishna's nephew written he saw he was very nice interesting character he saw people all around getting a spiritual experience says ecstasy wonderful author it meant sublime feelings sublime experiences of God and I'm not getting anything I'm just that same old guy so if he catches a fish my uncle is called monkey until I did not get anything kept on pestering him and so one day's Ramakrishna said outlet it is the Mother's one touch of Sri Ramakrishna they they robbed him he felt him he broke into a shark oh we are not ordinary beings we are beings of light let us go from country to country and awaken the masses and then back to what the victim and the same person so that is the language Jarawa arsenic being awakened to your real nature question is what do I do now being awakened to your real nature be absolutely like the ordinary not internal internal you feel completely lit up inside you are happier transcended sorrow don't try to show anything externally the moment you try to show anything externally by kyani kyani it's a basic contradiction in principle if I am Brahman how can I be special I must be the most universal of all things in the world one saw me said even for a yogi the yogi who works to show a speciality that yogi Somali in English one yogi want somebody doctor the one who wants to devotee of God the one who loves God and surrenders to God path of devotion the devotee wants to show his speciality will lose with that to that level will lose devotion to God will be reduced in diminished in in devotion to God one could I got all these things I was finish it today because of this how to live in the world in Skanda Purana there is a beautiful story very instructive of a great paramahamsa he comes to this lady baby was hitting his arms so it is a wandering month but it's ignited with a wandering month he gets his arms from a particular poor person's house and he found the lady of the house weeping i asked mother what is what's wrong oh my husband was the Potter he died and who will look after the little children who will beat them fool make the pots and sell them in the market and this great enlightened soul our living says whoever they are I will do it and here you are able to do it yes and off he goes collects playing and he makes eight and he wets it with the water already you know you know needs it into the play necessary and he shapes it into nice pots bakes them puts them on the donkey and takes them off the market to sell gets money and feeds this video and the children after some time his disciples come to notice they come and see a police car with a queen you become a Potter he says which is shocking does not become some sorry means don't try to show anything special fully enlightened person named Li no so the quarter remains a Potter the King remains a king say it remains the sage warrior remains of our evening it's not a destination yes yes you see it's not a thing to be attained if I think it's something to be it's like the destination is the end point there's not the end once you reach that then you realize that it's the reality in which you live all the time you're living in a dream a dream earlier let me finish this hold on to the questions by the way we need to in this class we can keep the questions coming I got a complaint about the Geeta class the people who listen to the recordings so the Geeta is what we're going to do is we're going to hold the questions till the end and the people are going to come there and ask the question so that the questions are also recorded a lot of people who listen to the recordings across the world and they are annoyed because they can't hear the questions and they said what a lot of the questions in between the class finish the class and then all other questions but this is the study group so question should keep coming oh okay what else did I want to say in this yes whoever speciality whatever one one thinks of you know what what gives importance that's specially one month to the students there was this multi-million a very rich person who was interested in Vedanta and he would study they dumped and there won't be a group of people around him who would listen to Madonna it's a long time ago and this monk also used to go there and a great month at that time he would also come miss Mac said even when the great teacher one girl a superbug who would come to that discussion this teacher he would not get her because the ego is the ego of money and rich but very interestingly one day the talk was going on and somebody said the richest person in linear that time Manchanda bilder so he is coming to the place the town not in the house and this man he gets up quickly and saved weight will be washes his face and and he goes to receive this person who's much richer than him because money is important to this person and not similarly a knowledgeable person that person is for that person and more knowledgeable person a person with greater degree about others I've seen the more austere the more austerity got the more wordy zone of respect so I remember once I went to meet this Naga sannyasi who was sitting in bitter code even colder than this outside reading only a lion club usually they're completely naked but he this guy was wearing a loincloth and we're sitting outside near a fire on the bank of the Ganges with unruly and he saw me I was more distressed by this entire character and they never shirt but I had a shawl around my cellphones the first thing you asked me was I got pens - what's all this you have to tell yourself all this silliness take it off these warm clothes take it off and sit down here I don't know how he does it we have techniques for everything in terms of body heat but see following is a prestige to be naked in code so whatever speciality you have one tends to stick to that Brahman is non special is universal java locomotor it Dean like the most ordinary of people okay so this is the second thing he said the first thing he talked about the qualifications second thing is continuously keeping her mind on Brahman we learnt about three stages of that and how to behave in the world so this we have already got advice post enlightenment you are becoming very close get close to post enlightenment advice I was a story in chapter 31 here how many times are you but then we just share it share this the completely this wrong idea but enlightenment what you said about being a destination you said this young man I saw in the Himalayas he was sitting under a tree and reading a character and he was guy from Wall Street here in New York and he was studying he looked unhappy so he's gone to the mother's picked up the end of the absolutely absolutely Krishna is asked this question what is the second definition look at the word use there of settled wisdom of stabilized knowledge not only electric moment but stabilized enlightenment then what then what is the person like we keep saying I am get it but I use it immediately the person who does not lose it who gets it and is completely comfortable in that then what kind of person and all of these things the desire and see transcends desires and internally the person is night and day different from night and day different and therefore the person cannot keep himself or herself either it's very easily and this is a tremendous attractive power people can usually people pull through that it's automatic even if the person tries to keep keep Italy and the person is so different in daily activities them fragrance of that enlightenment you know you are mine will be uplifted in the very recent get that person you can't help it very incredible so the next two verses of their 37 or 38 and I'd hope to touch 37 two different anyway so until next time we do 37-28 very powerful verses 37 is slightly disturbing because he says remember these are books as I keep saying he's at the top of the ignorant weeks and usually a part of a monastic culture so the 37th verse will be topic is what do I do to become a legend now what am i doing right so 37 is a clear indicator become a monk there's a 37 verse at least month